Monday, September 7, 2009


In April 2008, I became pregnant with my first child. I was teaching 3rd and 4th grade Reading. The picture you see at the top is a picture of my with my 4th grade homeroom on the afternoon of my student baby shower in December 2008.

They were a wonderful group of students and they each touched my life in a special way!

My son, Aidyn, was due to be born in January. Being the case, I decided to take off the entire 2nd half of the school year last year. I was very sad to be leaving "my kids" at school, but also excited about being able to stay home with Aidyn.

Aidyn was born the end of January and I was able to spend 6 wonderful months at home with him before returning to school this fall. I now teach 2 groups of 3rd graders. I teach Reading, Grammar, and Writing.

As much as I miss Aidyn during the days and sometimes wish I was still at home with him, I also completely LOVE my job! I am very lucky.

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